Veronica Pacheco was born on December 7, 1979 in Lima, Peru. When she was 2 years old, she was diagnosed as being severely mentally challenged, with a rare syndrome called Prader-Willy. ‘Verito’, as she likes to be called, has achieved development in diverse human fields; in which art is outstanding.
Verito’s artwork is characterized by harlequins, who live in her fantastic world, full of colour and joy, full of movement and freedom, surrounded by balloons, musical notes and hearts.
Her paintings are classified in 5 styles: Primary Fantastic, Recycled Fantastic and Intermediate Fantastic and Icons.
- The Primary Fantastic Style is characterized by light hearted characters that flow from her own imagination, from naïve and soft environments.
- The Recycled Fantastic Style is born from the re-interpretation of models from newspapers, magazines and art books that portray clowns, scarecrows, puppets, dancers and artists.
- The Intermediate Fantastic Style is a fusion between the Primary and the Intermediate styles, mainly characterized by delicate surroundings and dancers.
- The Icons Style is based on her embryony characters, with 3D bodies based on thick layers or gold bread.
- The Abstract Style is very intense in colours and camouflaged characters as part of her centre piece, the surrounding environments have thick textures that contribute to the strength of the painting.
- Verito also has a portfolio of Drawings, from her embryony characters in ethereal worlds.
The trace of her drawings characterizes her artistic development, in oil and acrylic, as well as in watercolour and ink. Verito uses diverse formats, beyond the traditional ones.
A few years ago -as part of her art therapy- Verito made Sculptures to represent and bring to life her iconic embryony characters.
It is very interesting to observe how each title represents the general idea of the painting, some with hidden messages due to playful experiences in her daily life.
Verito loves to give a name to every single one of her paintings. In some cases, her characters have their own name. As soon as an idea spreads up, Verito titles it immediately. Some titles are not grammatically correct (on purpose), but they have been conserved with the original name, to respect her creative imagination.
Verito is mainly focused on joyful activities, mainly painting, singing and dancing. She loves all three activities, it is absolutely fulfilling to see her in her atelier while working on a master piece because she has the music at full volume, she is painting highly focused and from time to time stops painting to start dancing her favourite songs.